We are called to build the Kingdom of God as individuals and as a church.
Three areas of Kingdom Builders
Jesus’ last words to His disciples (and to us!) before He returned to Heaven were that we were to be His WITNESSES to JERUSALEM, JUDEA & SAMARIA, and TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH. Our Kingdom Builders initiative is making a difference in each. Thank you for your generosity!
1. World Missions
The first area of Kingdom Builders is World Missions. We are so blessed as a nation…and compared to most places around our world, we are blessed as individuals, as families, and as a church. With that blessing comes a sacred responsibility to take responsibility. We will never turn a blind eye to injustice, poverty, or the human condition for which we, the Church, can be a catalyst for change.
2. Community Impact
If our church were to disappear…beyond its attendees… would our community even notice? This question should hit every Christian between the eyes. God has placed each church in its community…in its neighborhood…to be a lighthouse. But even that’s not enough…we must be Light that gets out of the house too. Community Impact, the second area of Kingdom Builders, has some amazing ministers, ministries, and projects that we support.
3. Church Advancement
As His Church advances, so does His Kingdom. This third area of Kingdom Builders, Church Advancement, represents our investment in the local church, including parenting/planting campuses, as well as in building projects to improve ministry environments. This area of Kingdom Builders also includes our development of leaders in the NorCal/Nevada District, the Central San Joaquin Section of the Assemblies of God, and it also supports missionaries in our region doing short-term projects for local churches.